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Motley Fool Stock Advisor Review- All You Need To Know

Feb 08, 2024 By Susan Kelly

Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a subscription-based investment service that provides members with two stock recommendations each month. The investors receive an analysis of why the experts have chosen each stock and whether it is worth investing in. They also receive a list of current and stock recommendations, community and education resources, and more.

More than 1 million investors trust the Motley Fool to give them the investment and advice they need to make informed decisions throughout their investment journey. On average, the stocks offered by the Motley Fool have outperformed many other stocks in the market. Motley Fool's strategy is designed to provide members with actionable market insights to help them stay on the curve.

This article is based on Motley Fool Stock Advisor Review, so keep reading to learn more about it!

What Is The Motley Fool Stock Advisor?

As the world’s preeminent stock picker, they’ve provided subscribers with valuable investment advice based on an innovative investing strategy for years. Learn how our strategy can help you reach your financial objectives. What’s different about Stock Advisor? Stock Advisor isn’t just another investment account. The best part is that they don’t buy or sell stocks for you or manage your portfolio for you.

Instead, they provide you with carefully selected stocks and the information you need to decide whether to buy them. They can help you become a long-term investor, regularly adding individual stocks to your portfolio.

Motley Fool’s investing philosophy can be described as:

  • Buy a minimum of 25 stocks over time
  • Hold them for at least 5 years
  • Infuse cash into your account regularly
  • Let winners ride the ups and downs of the market.

How Does It Work?

Once you become a member of the Motley Fool stock advisor service, you will receive monthly stock picks emailed directly to you from co-founders. Each stock selected is accompanied by a detailed explanation of why it was chosen and information on the company's business. In addition to the stock picks, you will also have access to other premium content that you can use to access the service.

  • Every month, you’ll receive a stock recommendation directly from our team of stock advisors. They will send you a report on every stock they cover, including their risk profile and why they were chosen.
  • Also, they’ll keep you updated 24/7 with the latest stock news. You’ll also receive basic stock ideas for beginners and experienced investors alike. These ideas will help you build a portfolio strategy, particularly for those just starting out, but they’re consistent for all investors. The list is updated monthly, so you’ll know it’s new when you join.
  • The top rankings are the top 10 stocks we’ve selected based on market opportunities. You’ll only get these rankings when you purchase Motley Fool Stock Advisor, which is exclusive to them.
  • They’ll also provide you with access to educational and other resources that will help you grow your portfolio, including our past stock picks. You’ll join a community of over 1 million other subscribers, where you’ll be able to share your insights and questions with other investors and learn from the experiences of Motley Fool stock investors.

Features Of Motley Fool Stock Advisor

Live Customer Service

If you have questions about the product, not the investment. In this instance, you can contact their customer support via the toll-free number and talk to someone. It is among the best stock-picking advisory services available today. You can also join the Stock Advisor service for real stock market advice. The Motley Fool advisors provide market research and investment strategy advice based on decades of experience.

Stock Screener

The Motley Fool Stock Screener is a simple stock screener built by Motley Fool Stock Advisor. It can be used to enter a stock, or it can be used to sort stock by asset class, sector, dividend yield, volatility, and other filters. While it is not as powerful as a trading platform like some top brokerage accounts, it is relatively easy to use.

Instant Alert

One of the best features is the instant alert feature. This allows you to add your favourite stock to the platform and see how it trends. So, if there are significant price swings, buy or sell opportunities, or any other situation, you will get an alert so you know what to do.


Motley Fool publishes investment news articles on the Motley Fool stock advisor’s main screen so you can stay updated on everything happening in the investing world.

Is Motley Fool Stock Advisor Worth It?

The answer to this question depends on how you use it. The Motley Fool stock advisor can be a valuable tool, particularly for long-term investors. The stock-picking tool is designed for long-term investing and focuses on a buy-and-hold approach. All stock recommendations are based on a five-year investing time frame and are selected for long-term performance. Therefore, you should not expect instant returns and should stick with each stock for at least five years. Some subscribers may complain about the service, usually because their picks aren’t performing as well as they would like or because they’re unhappy with their subscription fees. In contrast, others find the service to be extremely valuable.


Overall, the Motley Fool Stock Advisor is an excellent product at a fair price for what it provides. If you are ready to buy individual stocks, need assistance choosing them, and are willing to pay a premium for expert advice, this is a solid investment backed by results. However, there are restrictions. You cannot change the types of recommendations you get, and you will receive the same data as everyone else with a subscription. We hope this Motley Fool Stock Advisor Review helped you with your doubts.

Solid Endorsement
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